Ireland Day 11 - The Real Wild Atlantic Way

Tuesday, 19 September 2023 20:23

I feel fortunate to have made the choppy trip to Inis More yesterday as the predicted gales arrived overnight so no crossings today. Today it really was a trip along the Wild Atlantic Way as the coast road styles itself. The conditions ensured there was not too much walking today except a brief nature trail in Connemara National Park in a break between the rain showers and actually sheltered from the wind. The highlight was an impressive waterfall in the park which provides the headline picture. I did not have the opportunity to take many photos without being blown away or having the camera saturated which is a shame as the drive through the Connemara mountains is one of the best scenic roads I have ever driven. Mountains, lakes, waterfalls and even a fjord. Here are a few images from the day captioned to identify their locations, starting in Oranmore where I spent the past two nights. When I drove into Galway yesterday it was rush hour and the traffic was dreadful so I left it till 9:30 to depart this morning and the traffic had improved to awful! After I left the city I saw very little traffic until I got here to Westport where, again, I found two available high powered chargers waiting, Cool.

Blowing a gale at Oranmore Castle

Now a gale and driving rain on the front west of Galway city

Taking an opportunity in a gap in the rain I stopped at Coral Strand at Carrowroe. The only person there was an elderly gentleman who had just been in for a swim! The horse and foal seemed to be fine with the weather

The Connemara National Park has a very nice visitor centre and cafe where lunch was well received. In the visitor centre there is an explantion of the terrain, mainly blanket bog including a bog pine which is 8600 years old.

The highlight was the waterfall so here are a couple more photos

This is truly the Emerald Island

I am amazed the following panorama worked as I was being buffeted by the wind at Assleagh at the end of the Killay Fjord. This wonderful road came along the left side before returning along the right side

After climbing away from the fjord the next impressive site was Doolough Valley. The Wild Atlantic Way signs help identify locations. Although not in the photo there is a small stone weathered cross recording a march of people to here to avoid the famine with an additional inscription recording the freedom from appartheid in South Africa.

Speakinfg of famine there is a memorial at Murrisk close to my overnight stop in Westport. It is a little gruesome but so is famine

That brings me to Westport. After dinner I took a walk down the street and took this snap before the rain forced a hasty retreat.