Is this Winter

Monday 6 January 2025 10:23

Winter came and maybe went a couple of nights ago. I followed the weather forecast and was aware that what snow we would get would not last, so I challenged my GoPro to capture the snowfall overnight. Follow this link to see what the GoPro captured. Not BBC standard but OK. The weather has been flipping back and forward from wild wind and rain, from a previous post, via crisp frost to a little snow and back to rain. This has all been in under a week. “Four Seasons in One Week”. Sorry to Crowded House. :-) Here are a few snaps from the Lodge in frost and the Swiss Garden as the rain washed the snow away. Despite the zero temperature there was a brave powered hang glider pilot. The snow provided a little treat. I was pretty much the first person into the garden following one of the gardeners and therefore could see and identify some interesting footprints before they were either walked over or washed away. They included the local peacock and a fox. I know it was a peacock as the gardener told me she had fed it a little earlier. I used an online chart to identify the fox prints.